Squadron Wars allow Pilots to take on opposing Squadrons to compete for rewards and honor points.
When do Squadron Wars take place?
Squadron Wars last for 48 hours and begin at the following times:
1st Squadron War
Start: Tuesday [morning] @12:00 AM UTC
End: Thursday [morning] @12:00 AM UTC
2nd Squadron War
Start: Friday [morning] @12:00 AM UTC
End: Sunday [morning] @12:00 AM UTC
You will also see a notification on the home screen to let you know when the next war begins:
How do Squadrons access Squadron Wars?
For Squadrons to participate, there must be at least 10 active players in the Squadron for the last 5 days.
We define an “active” member as someone who logs in every day for 5 days and plays at least 1 PvP match each day for the 5 days to be active.
Squadrons automatically opt into Squadron Wars if they have at least 10 active members. If the Squadron meets this requirement, it will be placed into matchmaking at the start of the next Squadron war.
If a Squadron does not have the 10 members/10 active members minimum, it will not be placed in matchmaking and will lose 30 honor points, if it had any to begin with.
When a squadron is ineligible, they will see a message saying they can't participate:
How do Squadron Wars work?
When the next Squadron War begins, they'll be matched against Squadrons with similar honor points to them.
During the two days of the war, all battles fought by the Squadron members will count towards their Squadron score. The scoring system is simply the sum of XP earned by the Squadron members during the war. Whoever has the most XP at the end of the war wins!